Showing 16 Result(s)

Blood Sugar Monitoring

Take Control: Blood Sugar Monitoring in Diabetes Philip T. Rodgers, PharmD, BCPS, CDE, CPP, and Sara Bristol Calvert, PharmD (from Pharmacy Times) More than 8% of the population is affected by diabetes. Patients with the disease often are told by their doctor to check their blood sugar (glucose), but they may not understand why or …

Blood Clots

Blood Clots Clots Will Block Blood to the Brain or Heart A clot is a cluster of blood cells and fibrin strands that sometimes form in blood vessels. Blood clotting is a normal protective mechanism that stops uncontrollable bleeding after a blood vessel has been damaged. However, a blood clot can form in an undamaged …

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Benign prostaric hyperplasia (BPH) is a term that refers to an enlargement of the prostate gland in older men, a condition that can cause a variety of urinary tract symptoms. Men with BPH experience frequent nighttime urination, an urgency to urinate, problems starting and stopping while urinating, and dribbling at the end …

Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s Palsy Paralysis May Occur on One Side of Face Bell’s palsy is a condition that afflicts 40,000 Americans each year and results in facial paralysis. The most recent research has linked the facial paralysis seen in Bell’s palsy with a viral infection due to herpes simplex-1 virus. The paralysis in Bell’s palsy occurs often …

Bedwetting (Enuresis)

Enuresis (Bed wetting) Bed wetting, also known as primary enuresis or nighttime incontinence, is a common condition in which a child empties his or her bladder during sleep without being aware of it. Bed wetting can be a stressful and embarrassing condition that begins in early childhood and, for some children, extends into the preteen …

Basal & Squamous Cell Skin Cancers

Basal and Squamous Cell Skin Cancers   They Are Curable When Diagnosed Early Basal and squamous cell skin cancers are the most common cancers in the United States. Virtually all cases are curable if found and treated early. Each year, approximately one million people in this country will be diagnosed with either basal cell or …

Baby: When Your Baby Gets Sick

When Your Baby Gets Sick WHEN YOUR BABY GETS SICK Newborns and infants are susceptible to a number of common health problems. This page will discuss some of these conditions, including when the infant should see a physician. Remember, the health of your child is paramount. Any time you are unsure about the seriousness of …

Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial Fibrillation   Abnormal Heart Rhythm The atria are the two smaller upper chambers of the heart that pump blood into the ventricles (the two larger lower chambers of the heart) after they receive an electrical signal. The ventricles, in turn, receive an electrical signal to pump blood out of the heart into the lungs …


Asthma Patients Need a Treatment Plan Asthma is a chronic lunch disease that usually can be controlled with medication but cannot be cured. In asthma, the lining of the airways are inflamed, leading to excess mucus production, which clogs airways, and muscle constriction, which narrows the airways. Breathing thus becomes difficult. The typical symptoms of …

Arterial Stents

Arterial Stents in Coronary Disease Stents Hold the Arterial Wall Open Coronary artery disease is caused by a buildup of plaque on the walls of the coronary arteries. Plaque narrows the vessels and blocks blood flow to the heart. Eventually, it can trigger a heart attack. One of the symptoms of coronary artery disease is …