Showing 3 Result(s)


Frostbite Tissues Can Freeze When a person is exposed to low temperatures for a period of time, the body reduces blood flow to skin surfaces. The result is that tissues can actually freeze, resulting in the condition known as frostbite. Areas most likely to be affected by frostbite are the hands, feet, ear lobes, nose …

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome A Painful Nerve Ailment The carpal tunnel is a passageway that permits entry of the median nerve from the wrist into the hand. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful ailment that occurs when tendons in the tunnel swell and compress the median nerve, thus causing loss of nerve function in the fingers …

Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s Palsy Paralysis May Occur on One Side of Face Bell’s palsy is a condition that afflicts 40,000 Americans each year and results in facial paralysis. The most recent research has linked the facial paralysis seen in Bell’s palsy with a viral infection due to herpes simplex-1 virus. The paralysis in Bell’s palsy occurs often …