Showing 3 Result(s)


Croup Acute Respiratory Infection Croup is a swelling of the tissue around the larynx (voice box) and trachea (windpipe) that results in a tight, barking cough. Croup usually occurs in infants or children under the age of five, although older children and teens may suffer from it. Since most cases of croup are caused by …


Bronchitis Mucus Blocks Airways Bronchitis is an inflammation of the lining of the large airways in the lungs. The airways include the trachea and bronchioles (the “tracheobronchial tree”). In acute bronchitis, inflammation is usually the result of an infection in the respiratory tract, caused by a cold or flu virus, or, less often, bacteria. Chronic …


Asthma Patients Need a Treatment Plan Asthma is a chronic lunch disease that usually can be controlled with medication but cannot be cured. In asthma, the lining of the airways are inflamed, leading to excess mucus production, which clogs airways, and muscle constriction, which narrows the airways. Breathing thus becomes difficult. The typical symptoms of …