Showing 7 Result(s)

Rosacea (Facial Inflammation)

Rosacea Rosacea is an inflammatory condition of the face which most often occurs in people between 30 and 60 years of age. The primary complaint of patients with rosacea is flushing, redness, and sometimes a stinging sensation of the central part of the face. This redness and flushing can be triggered by a wide variety …

Psoriasis (Dry, Scaly Skin)

Psoriasis: Dry, Scaly Skin Drugs Can Help But Not Cure Psoriasis is a common skin disease that can first appear in young adults. People with psoriasis develop sharply outlined reddened bumps (papules) mixed with rounded plaques (thick, hardened circles of skin). The skin is dry and itchy and is covered with silvery scales that easily …

Keratosis Pilaris (“Chicken Skin” Disorder)

Keratosis Pilaris “Chicken Skin” Condition Keratosis pilaris is a common, easily recognized, benign skin disorder that is characterized by patches of tiny, hard bumps resembling small pimples on the skin’s surface. Often referred to colloquially as “chicken skin,” keratosis pilaris usually appears on the backs of the upper arms, the thighs, the buttocks, or the …


Hives An Allergic Reaction Hives are the common term for a skin condition known asurticaria. These red, swollen, and itchy welts appear suddenly on the skin’s surface in reaction to the systemic or topical stimulation of the immune system. This reaction leads to the release of histamine�a substance found in the mast cells of skin …

Diaper Rash (Baby)

Diaper Rash Inflammation in the Diaper Area Diaper rash is an inflammation of the skin in the diaper area, leading to redness, tenderness, and scaling. It it most common in babies younger than 12 months. Plastic pants covering a cloth diaper can create the warm, moist conditions that may cause inflammation with exposure to urine …