Showing 38 Result(s)

Hearing Loss (Impairment)

Hearing Loss   Most Hearing Loss Is Age-Related Hearing is a complicated process. When a sound enters the external ear, it causes the outer eardrum to vibrate, or shake. The three small bones of the ear then respond to this shaking, and begin vibrating. The vibration reaches the inner ear, and produces waves in the …

Head Lice

Head Lice   Intense Itching is a Sign Head lice are spread by direct contact, such as sharing of combs or hats. They are common in children under the age of 12. Intense itching, especially around the ears and the back of the head, is caused by the lice feeding on blood from the scalp …

Migraine Headaches: Symptoms & Treatment

Migraines Severe Pain Migraine headaches are easily misdiagnosed and often are incorrectly treated. Their causes may be environmental, dietary or stress related. They are more common in women and their occurrence may be related to estrogen levels since they are often seen with greater frequency during the premenstrual period. Migraine headaches may disappear completely during …

Gangrene (Necrosis)

Gangrene Pain Is Not Always Present Gangrene is a condition that develops when tissue dies, due to a bacterial infection, vascular disease such as diabetes, or injury to an area. Tissue death occurs because the blood supply to the area is blocked. “Wet” gangrene is caused by a bacterial infection; “dry” gangrene is caused by …

Glaucoma (Eye Disease)

Glaucoma Loss of Vision Cannot Reversed Glaucoma occurs when aqueous humor formed by the ciliary body is unable to leave the eye through the trabecular meshwork and Canal of Schlemm. The build-up of pressure causes damage to the optic nerve and, eventually, loss of vision. In most patients, there is no pain and it is …


Gallstones   Pain May Not Be a Symptom Gallstones are common in middle age and beyond and usually affect overweight women. Severe pain may occur as these stones are pushed out of the gallbladder and into the common bile duct. Therapy consists of surgery or drug therapy. A newer technique is to infuse a drug …

Esophageal Reflux (GERD)

Esophageal Reflux   “Sour” Stomach Is a Sign The esophagus is the passageway between the mouth and the stomach through which food passes into the gastrointestinal tract. At the base of the esophagus is the lower esophageal sphincter that keeps the stomach’s contents from moving back up into the esophagus. If this sphincter does not …