Showing 97 Result(s)

Emphysema (Lung Disease)

Emphysema When Breathing Becomes Difficult Emphysema is a chronic lung disease which causes permanent changes in the lung, making it difficult to breathe normally. Smoking and air pollutants are two main causes of emphysema. Damage to the lung occurs in the area where air is exchanged, past the terminal bronchiole, including the respiratory bronchioles, alveoli …

Diaper Rash (Baby)

Diaper Rash Inflammation in the Diaper Area Diaper rash is an inflammation of the skin in the diaper area, leading to redness, tenderness, and scaling. It it most common in babies younger than 12 months. Plastic pants covering a cloth diaper can create the warm, moist conditions that may cause inflammation with exposure to urine …

Diabetes: Nutrition

Diabetes Nutrition   A Proper Diet There are nearly 14 million people in America with diabetes. One very important part of the management of diabetes is proper nutrition. For the diabetic patient who requires daily insulin, a proper diet helps keep blood glucose levels under control and reduces the risk of diabetic complications. For the …

Diabetic Retinopathy (Eye Damage)

Diabetic Retinopathy Gradual Loss of Vision   Diabetic retinopathy is a condition in which the tiny blood vessels in the retina are damaged by chronic diabetes. The retina is the tissue at the back of the eye that changes light into nerve signals that travel to the brain, a process that results in vision. Diabetic …


Croup Acute Respiratory Infection Croup is a swelling of the tissue around the larynx (voice box) and trachea (windpipe) that results in a tight, barking cough. Croup usually occurs in infants or children under the age of five, although older children and teens may suffer from it. Since most cases of croup are caused by …

Coronary Bypass (Heart)

Coronary Bypass Graft to Repair Artery The coronary arteries supply the tissues of the heart with oxygen. A buildup of fatty deposits (plaque) in the arteries will cause a blockage and stop the flow of blood. The result is often chest pain, a heart attack or sudden death. A coronary artery bypass operation can replace …